

Prayer Text: 1 Samuel 2:7-10

Prayer Exhortation: God is a God of Turn Around, every time he releases his Turn Around power in your direction, things must turn in your favor.

Supernatural Turn Around connotes the intervention of God that shifts things forward and provoke uncommon changes. Supernatural Turn Around open doors for uncommon testimonies, accelerate progress and enhances promotion in life.

Prayer Points:

  1. Father Thank you for every time you have intervened in the journey of my life, I am very grateful in Jesus name.
  2. Father I am very grateful for the wonders you have performed in my life and family in the past.
  3. Father everything that must change in my life and around me for my story to change for better today change them in Jesus name.
  4. I rebuke every power contending with the change of story in my life today in Jesus name.
  5. Every operations of the wicked secretly and openly tampering with my glorious destiny scatter today in Jesus name.
  6. Anything, Anywhere that have set my destiny behind and backward your time is over now loose me let me go in Jesus name.
  7. Oh Lord by your power give me a Divine Turn Around that will rewrite the story of my life for good in Jesus name.
  8. Father everywhere I am supposed to be in life by now that I am very far from, Oh Lord by your Divine Turn Around power move me there speedily in Jesus name.
  9. I decree and declare total release of all my inheritance and entitlement that will accelerate my complete turn around in Jesus name.
  10. Father supernaturally turn my life around and move me from behind ahead in Jesus name.
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